our intentions create our reality
Wayne dyer
During the Spring Equinox, the days and night are in perfect balance allowing us to see our desires clearly as we tip towards the light and rebirth of spring. This energy and clarity make the Spring Equinox the perfect time to set our new intentions for the seasons ahead.
Just like Mother Nature, your spirit is awakening with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn & coming alive in ways like they never have before.
Let’s come together and harness this energy to ignite a desire for renewal and new beginnings.
This workshop will be full of ritual to welcome change, growth, revitalization, renewal and finding balance in our lives.
We will awaken our senses from the meditative hibernation of winter with an opening ceremonial that takes advantage of this energetically powerful and sacred time of year. Opening our hearts to set new intentions and put our winter dreams into motion.
Together we will participate in activities that will prompt your creativity and imagination. As we participate in open, invigorating discussions needed to reach deep inside and discover the unique gifts and talents you already have and seize the POWER of INTENTION in creating the BEST life you are meant to live.
After Self-Analysis, you will learn how to properly contemplate and reflect on your qualities so that you can take action to improve these areas of your life.
Define your priorities to truly live a life, that can give you time, energy and freedom.
Show you how to use your feelings as creative fuel to make great things happen in your life that will radiate out into the world.
A closing ceremony to honor the community that we’ve foster. Appreciating your commitment to yourself and respecting each other for holding space with accountability, inspiration and support. We will pause with gratitude as we utilize the power of this devotion to invoke our intentions, igniting them and directing them out into the world.

this workshop is for you if:
You tend to feel a lack of clarity sometimes, and if you tend to feel stuck where you are and unable to move in the direction you desire.
If you lack purpose. If you lack positivity and faith.
If you desire change, and if you feel that nothing in your life is lighting you up right now; if you don't feel inspired or fulfilled, and if life feels monotonous.
If you feel that life is 'fine', and nothing is especially wrong, but you don't feel fulfilled or excited by it.
If you struggle with self-worth and self-esteem, and if you underestimate your own power in designing and living the life you really want.
If you want to learn more about your own power and ability to create the life you want to live, and if you want to go through life with more ease, effortlessness, understanding, gratitude, enthusiasm and joy.

The Spring Equinox is a festival of awakening and rebirth.
The dark months are now over & we're moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice) With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It's fresh, warm energy makes you feel alive & inspired.
It’s 2023!! We are all ready to harness this rich, inspiring Spring Equinox energy, it's encouraging us all to be reborn. When you renew yourself, you start afresh. You let the past go and begin a fresh chapter in life.
Embrace this new beginning. The spring energy will fuel your growth as the days get longer & the sun grows warmer.
It represents a reborn, new you that starts with more knowledge and standing stronger after surviving the last few years.