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Winter Rest & Restore

January 19, 2024

January 21, 2024

It’s 3 days of …. rejuvenation, connecting with nature, spirituality, reflection, transformation, leveling up, giving back, delicious food and FUN – something we ALL need to start the new year.

Winter Rest & Restore
There is a special stillness in winter as the dark season creates a powerful setting that you naturally find peace. The cold winds prickle the skin while the sun hangs low in the sky. The sharp chill in the air is invigorating and clarifies the mind.

We will walk among the frozen, drifting sand and wander the shoreline of a Great Lake in search of our inner rhythm. At night we gaze at the night sky full of twinkling lights and discover how being cold physically teaches us to sit with discomfort to find calm. As I stoke the fires in the woodstove, you’ll be reminded to stoke your own inner fire and warm yourself from the inside out.

A healing heart beats beneath the endless beauty. Sleeping Bear Dunes has long been respected as a place of power and sacredness. This is a place where your spirit will soar, and your heart will beat faster. Where a simple stroll can turn into an adventure of a lifetime.

There's no better place than here to disconnect from the world as you know it and reconnect to what really matters. You. Imagine the effect of 3 extraordinary days in the exclusive company of myself and a small handful of other women …. LIKE YOU – who have been doing the deep inner work to heal, transform, and experience a spiritual awakening. Yearning for something sacred, new and deep.

Sharing not only their collective wisdom and insights, but also with the specific intention of helping you deeply embody YOUR LIGHT and true essence like never before and live in higher vibration. Together we AMPLIFY our personal work and heal the collective.

A deep bow to you and a friendly reminder that you do not need to suffer anymore. You don’t have to do it alone. It’s time to deeply embody YOUR LIGHT and true essence like never before and live in higher vibration. We all know the world needs positive input more than ever before – it’s obvious there’s no time to lose. That’s why NOW is the time to uplift, uplevel and unleash our collective energy and intention into the world!
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If you are feeling a full body YES right now reading this, then Rest & Restore Winter Retreat is for you! I’m inviting you to embark on this journey.

In today’s world of fast-food spirituality, we can get caught in the illusion of finding a spiritual ‘fix’ for the challenges of life. At this retreat, we will look at the notion of integrated spirituality and how effective spiritual practice needs time and space to be deeply nourishing, healing and sustainable. 

Join me in exploring what it means to commit to a spiritual path and to live with an awakened heart. It is eye opening and my hope is that once you take in this information, you’ll start re-setting for a much more powerful new year.


Meet & Greet: The beginning of new friendships. So many smiles! So much happiness! So much excitement!  Gorgeous Charcuterie Board themed with regional favorites.

Open Circle & Sound Healing infused with Reiki: We dive right in the first evening.  As we begin to restore the body and clear the mind.  Let's shift the habitual patterns that may have been attained during the past year that kept you from being calm, clear and balanced.  The sound healing will systematically release stored physical, emotional, and mental tensions.


Sunrise at Lake Michigan: A time for mediation and setting intentions for the day while soaking in the incredible opening and healing energy of the surrounding area.

Breakfast: Delicious and nutritious buffet style breakfast enjoyed together.

Workshop 1: Begin to let go of the old beliefs and habits that keep you locked in your past and fearful of your future. Experience your emotions fully, knowing that you have a grounded and calm inner presence. We will work with practices like….

· guided self-analysis

· journaling

· group discussion

· active imagining

Lunch: Delicious and nutritious lunch enjoyed together

Guided Walk: We will practice Shinrin Yoku, a Japanese technique that destresses, boosts health and wellbeing. I’ll teach you this simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the forest and sand dunes, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply. The experience will create positive, calming neuro-psychological effects through changes in the nervous system, reducing the stress hormone cortisol and boosting the immune system. I hope you share this new learned technique with anyone you know that needs help reducing stress, anger, anxiety, depression, reduce blood pressure or could use improved concentration and mental clarity.

Workshop 2: The deep work of cultivating a practice in yourself that will help open your eyes to how these various psychological concepts and ideas are expressed in our broader culture.  Explore and deepen your relationship with the ideas of how shadow projection and culture intertwine, we will dive deeper with work practices like…

· guided self-analysis

· journaling

· group discussion

· active imagining

Dinner:  As the sun sets and creates every changing colors on the surrounding winter background. We indulge in the evening with a incredible dinner as we break bread together once again and feel gratitude for the day and the relationships that we are fostering.

Free time: To journal, star gaze, play games, circle, tarot readings, work with me one on one, take it all in. This has been an amazing experience.


Sunrise on Lake Michigan: time for mediation and setting intention for the day while soaking in the incredible opening and healing energy of the area.

Breakfast: Delicious and nutritious buffet style breakfast enjoyed together.

Workshop 3  & Closing Circle: We create intentions to live not from the unconscious past programming but from a new perspective — the perspective of knowing your true self. As we conclude our inner exploration now we take this new felt sense of wellbeing back into our personal life, family life, work life, and love life.

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Maximum enrollment 8 people

Meet your leader

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For centuries sailors needed a lodestar to guide them through the darkness of night. Now more
than ever people are looking for a brighter way. A different way.

Without a map, it is too easy to get lost, deluded, confused, and discouraged along the way. You need a guide who can give you the right directions, the necessary encouragement, and help you avoid the clutches of the ego. Someone who has already traveled the paths, learned the byroads, and blazed trails that have never been walked before.

I offer guidance for finding your true, authentic path through life. An example of what true personal
transformation and rebirth look like in human form, I am an experienced guide for you.
I am here to humbly use, and share, my inspiring collection of ancient wisdom, personal stories, and the sage advice that I’ve gained through my experience and reflection as an explorer, writer, coach, and motivational speaker.

As a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and greater meaning, I share my deeply personal experience of how I overcame obstacles to accomplish my dreams. I combine Eastern and Western ancient teachings, with a little science, and sprinkle some magic on top to bring you truly unique and original experiences.

This is an invitation to step out from your ordinary life and take the first steps on your own quest for greater understanding and deep transformation.

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